Multiple Markers

Javascript Source 

function myInitializeAPI() {
    var mapDiv = 'map'; //id of the div where the map should appear
    var mapType = 'default';
    var mapLanguage = 'A';
    var proxyUrl = '';
    var apiClientKey = 'you-api-key';
    SANGC_LoadMapViewer(mapDiv, mapType, mapLanguage, proxyUrl, apiClientKey);
function myLocations() {
    //--- set own marker's icon; set this after map is loaded.
    //--- show multiple markers on map.
    SANGC_AddMarker(1993544, 46.716738, 24.650482, 'Location-1', 'red', 32, ['', null, null, null]);
    SANGC_AddMarker(1993544, 39.94877293, 21.47928850, 'Location-2', 'blue', 32, ['', null, null, null]);
    SANGC_AddMarker(1993544, 50.01360102, 26.55175392, 'Location-3', 'red', 32, ['', null, null, null]);
    SANGC_AddMarker(1993544, 46.74720321, 24.70392908, 'Location-4', 'blue', 32, ['معارض', 2, 2, 1]);

HTML Source

<div style="top:0px; margin-left:60px;">
    <input id="showmarkers" type="button" value="Show Multiple Markers" onclick="myLocations();">
<div id="map" style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;width:500px;height:600px; margin:0px; padding:0px; background-color:white;">

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